Education Ministry


The overall purpose of the Education Ministry is to meet the needs of the people of Jesus Christ and church membership and build relationships within the church. We will accomplish this purpose by fostering the love of Christian education and stimulating the knowledge of youth and adults to learn more about God. It is our vision that everyone will be stronger and closer to the entire body.


Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge. Proverbs 23:12

Who do we serve?
What do we offer to ministry members?
What do you need to join?

Join the Education Ministry Today!

The Education Ministry is a source that will instruct and develop your growth in the knowledge of Christ. We invite you to join our ministry by serving in any group below:
• Sunday school
The Sunday school is the teaching entity of the church which is held each Sunday morning following morning worship.
• Ministers’/ Deacons’/and Trustees’ Wives
Assist with the preparation of the Lord’s Supper and Baptisms.
• Church Training Union
The training entity of the Church. Training for services in all departments of the Church and training for soul winning.
• Ushers Board
To work together as a team to create a warm and welcoming environment for members and visitors. We are also responsible for the orderly seating of the membership during worship services, assisting with receiving the offering and maintaining order during the worship services.